Tuesday 5 August 2014

Letting Go..of everything

When I first started to create art pieces they were about me and for me. Every piece whether a landscape, a portrait or a still life was from my perspective; from me, about me. How I saw life at the time. Abstract or realistic.
 It has always been hard giving away and selling pieces. They are all memories of places, dreams, people, moments in times and emotions. All melded together.
I did learn that other people loving and wanting the art made it easier to let go.
When you have no place for them except in your heart letting them go allows them to live somewhere else with love and admiration. Same goes for people, places and things that you no longer have a place for. Letting go allows space for new experiences, love and life.
As hard as letting go is it can be the most freeing, liberating thing to do. Allowing space to create life..whether that be art, music, new relationships or new experiences can be the best thing you can give yourself.
Let go and create!

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