Monday, 30 March 2015

Artworks by Jyne: Sparking Creativity

Artworks by Jyne: Sparking Creativity: Sparking Creativity After a long, treacherous, never ending winter there are signs that Spring is emerging! T...

Sparking Creativity

Sparking Creativity

After a long, treacherous, never ending winter there are signs that Spring is emerging! The smell of dampness, rain and an ache in the bones that is hard to shake…but you don’t care because you know there are better days to come.
What to do when Winter has drained all your creative energy?  When sparks left over from the past are non-existent, put out intentionally or unintentionally. No sparks. Not even the small signs of Spring are enough.
The idea of ‘Spring Cleansing’, of ‘Spring Cleaning’ comes to mind. Getting rid of ‘stuff’. If your mind, your heart, your home are filled with ideas, people & things that no longer have a place in your heart its hard to let anything new in. Empty & let go. Be brutal. Clean house on all levels. Let go of dust covered mementos that no longer have meaning, let go of people that drain or take rather then feed you, let go of old ideas and plans you will never get to. Do it for everything: clothes, books, projects, people.
If it doesn’t bring you joy anymore let it go. If its something “you may get to someday’ or you are holding on to hopes that ‘something may happen one day’..let it go. If it’s meant to happen it will. Bigger, brighter and better.
They are all things that take up space in your psyche and your environment. Clutter.
 Creativity needs ‘new’. It needs space to develop. Like a fire needs to breathe so does creativity. So do you.

Give yourself the gift of ‘letting go’ and emptying out. As hard as letting go can be holding on can be much harder. Happy Spring..and getting some creativity sparked!