Walking with Ghosts
My horoscope said my voices were gone. My loved ones
departed, my spirit guides & angels, ghosts of friends gone from my life.
All left me to fend for myself. No wonder I’ve been feeling alone! It made me
think of the people that touch your life. Sometimes in a profound way and then
disappear. Where do people go?
Did you scare them? Did you neglect them? Were you not the
person they thought you were? Or maybe it had nothing to do with you.
Silence is the loudest voice.
Connections broken.
I’ve written about painting people/places/emotions out of
your life. I’m thinking of painting them back in.
The love of a pet long departed, a best friend disappeared
from your life, a lover long gone
Take the feeling, the connection and paint it back in.
What is the colour?
What is the feeling? Try to capture it. Was it gentle like a water
colour wash on wet paper? Was it bold and passionate like a pallet knife and
oil paint? Was it paynes grey or cadmium red? Sculpture or a painting?
Its possible the connection is physically gone forever. It
is a way to honour that imprint on your life. A piece of your tapestry. A piece
of your web.